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The historic McSwain Home needs our help!

The beloved McSwain Home, a cherished piece of our local heritage, is in dire need of our help.


As we prepare for the scorching summer months, we've encountered a critical issue: the air conditioning system at the McSwain Home has abruptly stopped functioning. This development has left us with no choice but to act swiftly to ensure the preservation of this historic landmark.

Mcswain Home Interior.jpg

Our plan of action

In response to the broken AC system at the historic McSwain Home, we have solicited quotes from various local HVAC companies. Fortunately, we found Wicked Cool Air Conditioning! The total quoted amount is $8,888.60 for a complete system replacement. They generously pledged $4,000 towards the total cost, leaving us with $4,888.60 to cover. The existing system was a used system serving us well for a couple of years. While securing funding, we’re bringing in a portable AC unit to manage humidity and preserve the home's historical artifacts.



  • HVAC system replacement total:                                                                                                                                                   $8,888.60

  • Donation from Wicked Cool Air Conditioning:                                                                                                                            $4,000.00


  • Balance Due:                                                                                                                                                                                     $4,888.60


The McSwain Home needs our help! 

Now, we turn to you, our dedicated community, to bridge this financial gap. Your donation, no matter the size, will ensure the installation of a new AC system just in time for the summer months. Every contribution brings us closer to our goal!


Will you join us? Together, let's ensure the McSwain Home remains a beacon of our shared history and community pride.


Please donate today to secure the McSwain Home's future. Use this form to get started.


Those who Donate $50.00 or more will automatically have the chance to be enrolled in our membership program, giving you access to member's only events, discounts and more!


If you prefer, mail your donation to us at PO Box 3015. Bonita Springs, FL 34133.



Thank you for your donation!

A special thanks to Wicked Cool Air Conditioning for their generous contribution!

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